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Selectmen Minutes 03/25/2008

Chichester Board of Selectmen
March 25, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: David Kenneally, Road Agent; Patrick Clarke, Police Chief; John Martell, Emergency Management Director; Gil Vien, Fire Chief; David Paveglio, Building Inspector; Mike Paveglio, Deputy Building Inspector; John Uitts, Deputy Fire Chief and Carolee Davison, Treasurer
BI – Atlantic Traders wishes to relocate the residential dwelling from the lot on Route 4, to a residential neighborhood.  The question posed – would that relocation be subject to the permit limitation under the Growth Management Ordinance.  The Selectmen’s decision was that it would not.

Mr. Paveglio is still hesitant to issue a Certificate of Occupancy for the Daniels residence on King Road because the siding is not complete.  The Selectmen directed Mr. Paveglio to issue the Occupancy Permit, because they were standing by their letter to the Daniels citing life safety issues only.  Further the Selectmen asked Mr. Paveglio to keep vigilant as to the deadline of the building permit for completion of the siding.

FD - The explorer is in for inspection at this time.  All other vehicles are all set. Selectman MacCleery asked several questions regarding equipment listed on the quote for the new ambulance.  Chief Vien explained that the quote is broken down with the truck body price and then all equipment is listed separately.  There are no extra lights, all lights are LED.  The Chief did include a backup camera, the ambulance we have now has one and he believes this to be a great safety feature.  

The Chief asked for a decision tonight, if possible on his outstanding request to purchase four additional sets of turnout gear for new members to the department.  Currently, those new members are not able to respond to calls because of lack of gear.

HWY- The crew has been filling potholes.  Most of the trucks are up and running.  Minor work is still being done on the blazer.  The Mobil station will no longer be conducting inspections on the large trucks.  Mr. Kenneally has made arrangements with Dave Holmes for future inspections.   Mr. Martell brought forward to Mr. Kenneally that a resident on Swiggey Brook Road is running commercial equipment on a posted road.  It appears to be clearing for backland access and could be a wetlands violation.  The Selectmen will need to visit the site and determine whether or not this is town property being excavated.
Chairman DeBold asked the Road Agent in light of the upcoming appointment this evening, if he had an opinion one way or the other of the parking situation occurring as a result of Chucksters. Mr. Kenneally responded by saying that he would recommend posting one side of the road.  The Site Plan regulations are clear, the project must contain sufficient on site parking.

EMD - Mr. Martell had nothing to report this evening.

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BOS minutes
March 25, 2008

PD - Officer York is all set and on the road.  Chief Clarke requested $619.00 to be taken from the Police Equipment Capital Reserve Fund to purchase a needed firearm.  Currently the new officer is sharing the Chief’s gun.  The Special Operation Unit (SOU) dues are $2,500.  Patrick will need to use the Drug Forfeiture money again this year for this commitment.  The Selectmen authorized both expenditures.

Chairman DeBold swore the following into office; David Kenneally, Tom Jameson and Chris Weir; Planning Board, and John Martell, Emergency Management Director.

SUBJECT: Parking / Lighting / Safety complaints - Chucksters
PRESENT: Diane & William Stevens, Michael Cwikla, Ewen Mackinnon, Leslie & Glenn Walker, Janet Labbe and James McKerley; Planning Board members Chris Weir and Tom Jameson

Chairman DeBold asked that the group limit their concerns to enforcement issues handled by the Selectmen such as the lighting and the parking.

Mrs. Stevens requested the meeting with the Board on behalf of the neighbors along Bailey Road as they state in various complaint letters to the Board, adversely affected by the business Chucksters. (Letters on file). Mrs. Stevens also asked the Selectmen for clarification of which Board handles which issues as the group feels they are being told conflicting information.  

Concerns cited by the residents were; parking along Bailey Road and the Weathervane turnaround; light trespass and safety concerns for their children and property.

Chairman DeBold explained that the Board of Adjustment was the board that handled obnoxious use.  
Discussion over the ability to file an appeal at this time over a “perceived” obnoxious use took place with Chairman DeBold advising the group to file the application with the BOA and proceed as an aggrieved party. The Board of Adjustment will have to rule on the application, don’t just go by the advice that one member has given you ahead of time.  Selectman MacCleery offered to bring the question to the Board of Adjustment tomorrow evening as they have a hearing scheduled on another matter.

The residents have gone to the Planning Board with their concerns over the proposed expansion project at Chucksters that will include go karts.  The Planning Board is looking into the noise issue and will make their best effort to address this concern with the town engineer.    

Parking is not adequate now for the business that exists; the Planning Board is addressing that issue as well.  The residents would like the Selectman to stop the use of the Weathervane property for Chucksters employee parking.

Selectman Jordan indicated his recollection of the town signing an easement to use the Weathervane turnaround as a bus turn around.  Lisa was directed to research that information.

Due to scheduling conflicts, Chairman DeBold asked the group to recess in order for the Board to take their scheduled appointment that has already been waiting thirty minutes beyond the scheduled time.

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BOS minutes
March 25, 2008

SUBJECT: Fire Chief’s position
PRESENT: Matt Cole   

Mr. Cole submitted his letter of interest to the Board for consideration of the Fire Chief appointment. Chairman DeBold asked Mr. Cole if he met the Fire Department SOG qualifications.  He does not meet the time of five years on the department, nor has he been an officer on the department.

Selectman Jordan asked Mr. Cole if he knew he needed to be a current member on the department for five years in order to qualify.  Mr. Cole responded yes.

Selectman MacCleery asked how can we entertain this candidate when he doesn’t meet the policy requirements.  

Mr. Cole responded he was hoping his work credentials and time on another department would merit the Board’s consideration and stated his objection to the current policies for promoting members.  Mr. Cole is of the opinion these promotions will be at the whim of the Chief.  

Chairman DeBold asked how promotions were handled in other departments. Aren’t they done by the Chief?  Chairman DeBold stated he did not doubt Mr. Cole’s credentials and both Matt and his wife offered good service to the town.

SUBJECT: Parking / Lighting / Safety complaints - Chucksters
PRESENT: Diane & William Stevens, Michael Cwikla, Ewen Mackinnon, Leslie & Glenn Walker, Janet Labbe and James McKerley; Planning Board members Chris Weir and Tom Jameson

Chris Weir clarified the Site Plan Regulations state the applicant must provide sufficient: “off street” parking not on site as previously stated this evening.  Again the group wished for the Board to not allow parking on the street.

Lighting – the group is asking the Selectmen to require Chucksters to further shield all their outside lights.  The lighting should be redirected so as not to shine in people’s homes.  The town will have to hire a qualified technician to test the lumens being emitted from the lights to check for lighting violations.  At the time of Planning Board approval, the project was required to comply and has, with the lighting ordinance.
Mrs. Stevens would like the Selectmen to put a time frame on these corrections prior to allowing the expansion project to proceed.  


Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Selectman Jordan to reappoint Richard Millette as an alternate Board of Adjustment member for a three year term.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman Jordan to reappoint Gordon Jones as a member of the Conservation Commission for a three year term.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Chairman DeBold to appointment Selectman Jordan as ex-officio to the BCEP committee.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

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BOS minutes
March 25, 2008

Stephen Stock stopped by the meeting and informed the Selectmen that the tools are loaded on the trucks and Forestry 3 should be ready to go by April 15th.

Fire Chief Appointment – The Board could not accept the following submissions because the applicants were not current members of the Chichester Fire/Rescue Department; Paul Sanborn / Stephen Stock.  The Board could not accept the submission from Matt Cole because he did not meet the time requirement per the department regulations.

Chairman DeBold shared the findings of his phone inquiries to Dick Wright, head of the Capital Area Mutual Aid Compact, a Fire Chief from an abutting community and a Deputy Fire Chief from yet another abutting town.   Chairman DeBold was seeking information on how things were handled by our department and leadership over the past year with the interim Fire Chief in place.  All three gentlemen said how smooth things were going and that they had not experienced any issues with Chichester.

Selectman Jordan stated that in his ten year experience as a Selectman he has not seen anyone put his heart and soul into the department as Gil has.

Selectman MacCleery stated Gil has put his heart and soul into the department and is very dedicated.

Chairman DeBold echoed those sentiments.

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Selectman Jordan to appoint Gil Vien as Fire Chief for a three year term, effective April 1, pursuant to RSA 154:1.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Chairman DeBold to approve the request for expenditure of Fire Department Impact Fees in the amount of $8,068.00 for the purchase of four complete sets of turnout gear for the four additional members. All three were in favor.  Motion carries.

Chris Weir made the Board aware that our building regulations currently do not specify the requirement of an Occupancy Certificate. This correction will be handled at the May Planning Board meeting.

The Board directed Lisa to give the Fire Chief the go ahead to order the new ambulance as quoted.

Lisa informed the Board of software and hardware upgrades needed to the town building workstations and server as a result of the current financial software stopping support as of May 31, 2008.  The upgraded package which includes the hardware and software and installation for four workstations has been quoted at $7075.75.  Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Chairman DeBold to authorize the upgrade of the computers funded from the Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund in the amount of $7075.75.  All three were in favor.  Motion carries.

Lisa updated the Board on current litigation –
        Fournier – the Board has received the order from the court and will not appeal the decision.
        Coffey – this case is scheduled for trial April 3rd.  Selectman MacCleery will represent the town; he will contact town counsel prior.
        Levitina – the Board did not have time to read the opinion this evening, course of action will be discussed next week.

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BOS minutes
March 25, 2008

The minutes of March 18, 2008, were approved as written.  

Mail and correspondence were reviewed. Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman MacCleery to adjourn the meeting at 10:12pm.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                    
Administrator                                                           Approved As Written

______________________            _______________________         _______________________  
Richard DeBold, Chairman                  Stephen MacCleery               Jeffrey Jordan